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Hi there, this is a picture of my Cedric 4 door Hardtop

1978 Nissan Cedric 4dr. Hardtop 2.8inj.

I know it looks sad but this is soon after I fitted new front wings (fenders) and sill panels (rocker panels). The car was Imported to the UK from Tokio in 1982 and was left for eight years to rot in a barn. I aquired it from a friend who rescued it from the original owner.

Since 1993 the car has been under 'restoration' (not a full one I might add as cash is tight) and so far new repair panels have been welded into the bottom of the doors and the boot (trunk) lid as skins are not available. A new (used) bonnet (hood) has been acquired and I have had a windscreen (windshield) made as again the original parts are no longer available but guess what! Triplex (the makers) FORGOT to tint the thing.

The vehicle has now been "donated" to a forthcoming car meuseum showing Nissan cars in Suffolk (I think).  Anyway, the guy who has it now is called Eddy Rattley and he still owes me the number plates (HSG 2X)

If you want to see some pictures of the restoration there are a few here but remember it is not finished yet.

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